Eine österreichische Filmemacherin, Foto- und Installationskünstlerin und ein chinesischer Fotokünstler treffen sich in der Loft 8 Galerie: Das Thema ist, wie in der Vergangenheit in Projekten der Kuratorin bereits vorgekommen ist, China. Dieses Mal allerdings von der Seite des Scheins, der Täuschung und der Kommerzialisierung von Grund und Boden – sowie der Rekonstruktion und Übersteigerung der Tradition.www.loft8.at
The exposition Of Haunted Spaces-The Artistic Research in Filmmaking is published and online: https://jar-online.net/en
Of Haunted Spaces is an artistic research project conducted into Chinese ghost cities. It interprets the paradoxical urban phenomena where cities are built for millions, but not lived in. The research process is presented through the publication of Ghost Paper, a reference to the traditional Chinese joss paper that is burned as an offering to the dead, which I developed with Ralph K.C.Wu.
The first issue used a newspaper format that can be unfolded into a poster. This online version uses the reference to the traditional papers to connect the online with the offline world, the imaginary and the real world, to reveal the effects of capitalism that are haunting our living conditions.
The Journal for Artistic Research (JAR) is an international, online, Open Access and peer-reviewed journal that disseminates artistic research from all disciplines. JAR provides a digital platform where multiple methods, media and articulations may function together to generate insights in artistic research endeavours. It seeks to promote exposition of practise as artistic research.