Speculative Documents

Speculative Documents

BLICKLE KINO, Belvedere 21

Sunday, 26. February 2023, 11:30 + 15:30


Artists Moving Images from Southeast Asia

A short film program curated by Ella Raidel/ NTU in cooperation with Marlene Rutzendorfer/Movies in Wonderland and Claudia Slanar/ Belvedere 21

Speculative Documents

The films in this program draw on the leitmotif of speculative documents, factual objects tempered with fantasy, fabulation, and conjecture, on artists moving images from Southeast Asia. Departing from the human-centered experience, these films focus on the world of objects and things, a realism that materials have become vital, autonomous, and life of their own.  The burgeoning current of the non-fiction cinema in Southeast Asia lays bare the performativity of documents— flowers, viruses, tigers, wounds, etc.—by exploring the fractured boundary between fact and fiction, which often are the materials of films themselves. Altogether, the selected films intervene in established colonial and capitalist exploitation histories by re-imagining the past and positing alternative futures.