Ella Raidel is a filmmaker and visual artist who investigates the socio-cultural dimensions of living together and the logic of image production. Her practice creates a discursive space for filmmaking, art, and research. She is an Assistant Professor at NTU Nanyang Technological University Singapore’s School of Art, Design, and Media.
She employs documentary, experimental film, immersive storytelling, VR/AR technologies, and 360-degree filmmaking to explore new ways of seeing. By integrating art, technology, and social science, she creates a discursive space for critical engagement within the expanding field of audiovisual media. In 2022, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts and Culture honored her with the Outstanding Artist Award for Fiction and Documentary Film.
Her work has been published in the book: Of Haunted Spaces – The Films of Ella Raidel Cinema, Heterotopias, and China’s Hyperurbanization, Edited by Prof. Ute Meta Bauer NTU Centre for Contemporary Art Singapore 2023, NUS Press
Films distributed by Sixpackfilm Vienna.
Geistergegenwart, RAY Filmmagazin 12/23+01/24, pp. 68-73, Text and Interview – Andreas Ungerböck, LINK, A comprehensive and detailed book review spanning six pages in Ray Filmmagazin, Austria.
Camera Austria 166/ 2024, pp.86-87 by Maren Richter
Les Nouveaux Riches Magazine, Association for Contemporary Art and Culture, Interview with Ella Raidel, Interview: Daniel Lichterwaldt, June 2023, Link
Ella Raidel, Video portrait, Outstanding Artist Award, Documentary and Fiction Film, Federal Ministry, Republic of Austria, Arts, Culture and Civil Service and Sports, Link