Von Brücken und verlorenen Verbindungen, Interview with der chinesischen Filmemacherin Zhu Shengze über ihren Film „A River Runs, Turns, Erases, Replaces“, über ihre Heimatstadt Wuhan und über ihre Inspiration durch den italienischen Schriftsteller Italo Calvino.
Viennale Interview, Ray Filmmagazin 10/2021
Das Gespenst des Kapitalismus, Interview mit dem aus Singapur stammenden Künstlers Ho Rui An anlässlich seiner Ausstellung „The Ends of a Long Boom“ in der Kunsthalle. Ein Gespräch über künstlerische Recherche und Praxis, über den Horrorfilm und über Denkanstöße durch einen Wechsel der historischen Perspektive.
Hale County, This Morning, This Evening, Ramell Ross
A conversation with RaMell Ross on his Oscar-nominated film “Hale County This Morning, This Evening” [March 2021]
A conversation between Ute Meta Bauer and Trinh T. Minh-ha on ‘What about China?’ in Postcolonial Futures, Issue 20.2, A Journal of Transcultural Writings, 2021
What about China?
Trinh T. Minh-ha is Professor of Rhetoric and of Gender & Women’s Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Originally trained as a music composer, her oeuvre as an artist, filmmaker, composer, and postcolonial feminist theorist has charted the constellation of various discourses on gender, colonization, migration, and film poetics. Her latest filmic work-in-progress What About China? (Part I of II, 2020–21), initiated and co-produced by NTU CCA Singapore and was part of the first large-scale solo exhibition of Trinh’s work in Asia.
Taking the notion of “harmony” in China as a site of creative manifestation, What About China? focuses on Chinese culture and identity through its artistic and rural architectural practices, as well as through everyday village activities. In the foreseen demise of China’s peasantry as a class, Trinh is asking again: what exactly is disappearing? Situated in the realm between ancient wisdom, avant-garde, experiment, and popular folk acumen, the film features a multiplicity of voices and narratives embedded in a rhythmic conversation between the still and the moving image. Trinh creates a work that is interrogative and reflexive by nature; one that exposes the naivety of cinematic technology and ideology that claims increasing unmediated access to reality.
Vom Lesen zum Erzählen, ein Interview mit Hou Hsiao-Hsien
Das Österreichische Filmmuseum widmet dem großen taiwanesischen Regisseur Hou Hsiao-Hsien eine Gesamtretrospektive.
Reminiszenzen an das Kino, ein Interview with Tsai Ming-Liang
Die Wiener Festwochen widmen dem herausragenden taiwanesischen Filmemacher und Künstler Tsai Ming-Liang eine Personale.